
Friday, August 23, 2024

Upending Revisionist Bias

A standing stone, to commemorate a covenant and a set of clay tablets are sufficient proofs to reset the academic bias that has altered our understanding of Biblical history for the past 200 years. The bias was perpetrated by early French, German and British archaeologists that established the now broadly accepted views of Egyptian Pharaonic chronology. Their dating clashed with Biblical dating, by around 1-200 years, leading many to support the claim that the Bible was loosely constructed by 4 authors and its dates lacked credibility. These academics opposed the traditional Jewish view that the Bible is the word of God as transcribed by Moses. Now, we have proof to discredit their biased claims and restore the Bible to its rightful place. 

In 2010 excavations at the City of David on Jerusalem's Mount Moriah began to reveal the hidden rooms of a stone temple that baffled everyone. It took another 12 years before a carbon dating study by Weismann Institute and Cambridge University firmly established the date the water channel for the facility was built. The water channel flushed water onto the floors of 2 of the 4 main rooms that were carved out of bedrock. These rooms constitute a temple complex, which we have called Temple Zero because it proceeds the First Temple built by Solomon by at least 600 years.

According to Biblical chronology, Jacob left his parents for their ancestral home in Harran (Syria-Turkey border) where he was sent to find a wife and build a family. Commentators calculate he first spent 14 years learning with Noah's great, great grandson Ever. Before making his final departure he encountered the place of his famous stairway to heaven dream, the place he would name, Beit El, in 2185 (Since Creation) or 1576 BCE (CODEX JUDAICA) (Genesis 28:11).

Twenty years later Jacob returned from Harran in 2205 (Since Creation)1556 BCE. His last child Benjamin was born in 2208 (Since Creation) 1553 BCE (Genesis35:18-19). The birth was preceded by a brief (6-12 month) stop at Beit El. When he originally left Beit El for Harran and when he returned (Genesis 35:14) the Bible tells us that he set up and anointed a matzevah. The only, in-situ artifact of Temple Zero is a room containing a matzevah and the last use of the water channel that serviced the adjacent rooms was 18 years later 1535 BCE. Jacob, who by this time had been named Israel and his family were exiled to Egypt 12 years later in 1523 BCE (Genesis 46:1). This constitutes my first refutation of the Pharaonic chronology. 

The second refutation takes place after Israel's long exile and journey, back from Egypt, that took them away for 250 years. Joshua led Israel in numerous battles to conquer settle Israel's tribes in their allotted portions of land. Joshua ruled 32 years in the land. 

The Amarna letters span Egyptian Pharaoh's Amenhotep III, Akhenaten, through possibly Smenkhkare or Tutankhamun around 150 years. At least letter #254 must have been written during the overlap of Amenhotep III and Joshua's 32 year reign, which according to the Biblical record ended in 1245 BCE. But, the 100 year gap between Amenhotep III and Joshua would need resolution. Known as The Labaya tablet, #254 and others reference Pharaoh in his 32nd year of reign leaving only Amenhotep III who held power for 36-38 years during the Amarna period. According to the classic chronology Amenhotep III died in 1351 BCE.

If letter #254 describes the Biblical events that took place following 1273 BCE, at the beginning of Joshua's reign, the Egyptian chronology, immediately prior to the Amarna period, would have to be revised forward by around ~100 years, which would be difficult for classical Egyptologists to digest. Joshua must then have overlapped both Amenhotep III and Akhenaten, which if we wind back 40 years, would make Thutmose IV the prime candidate at the time of the Israelite Exodus led by Moses. 

Although limited, evidence of Israel's exodus in Egypt does exist, as does evidence of Egypt erasing and reconstructing its history, here we have an important artifact that has been written off by prolonged academic bias. Now that we have a proof date of Jacob returning from his exile and an letter #254 with an academic dating to ~1360 BCE, when Israel returned from their Egyptian exile, we can confidently challenge the revisionist bias and re-sync Common Era dates back to their Creation alignments. Such an adjustment would put letter #254 at ~1260 BCE, some 13 years after Moses death in 1273 BCE according to Creation. The Bible chronology tells us it took 14 years after Moses to settle the land.  

These two absolute dates and the context of the associated artefacts are sufficient to persuade anyone, except those whose bias against Israel surpasses their desire for truth. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Israel 's Point Of No Return!

...then it was Jerusalem Day. Yeshiva students bussed in, kids gathered in parks, families, tourists, flags and song. Walking, as they have done in previous years, Minister of Internal Security Itamar Ben Gvir and Deputy Mayor Arieh King. If this were a political rally, fake news would have claimed 100,000+ attended, but it was not. Around 40,000 came to express gratitude, celebrating the miracle of Israel's rapid victory in June 1967 that reunited Jerusalem with its Jewish people. 

In stark contrast some 60,000 people are displaced from their homes, living in temporary accommodations without knowing when they will return. Others are anxious presently living in a state of despair that their lives will be impacted by future religious governments not aligned with their lifestyle. 

Since Simchat Torah, October 7, public opinion about military and political leadership has moved from from disdain to despair. Confidence was shattered as it became abundantly clear that Israel's attempt, over the past 20 years, to thwart foreign and local enemies has failed. Israel's divisive political crisis, over Judicial Reform, has been subdued by its existential and leadership crisis as the nation was thrust  into a complex war including in the broader Jewish world. 

In business meetings, on the train, bus, or in daily traffic, running errands, transporting kids, exercise or gainful enjoyment feels like oblivion, knowing that soldiers are sacrificing their lives to benefit the nation. Feeling useless and the inevitable bad news brings on a certain guilt, but Israeli's are stoic, they confront facts, grieve loss, do more and march on relentless. 

Meanwhile, Israel's activist political organizations are shifting emphasis from hostages to anti-government rhetoric, years in advance of the next scheduled election. Their hope; to lure offshore state actors and Jews into their desired political realm. To that end Anti-government protest organizations like Hofshi Israel, for Benny Gantz Blue and White party, estimated more than 150,000 people attended their June 22 rally, calling it the biggest since the Gaza war began. Although Israelis treat these impossible numbers with disdain, Iranian and Arab opposition media promote them to a naive, sheepish world to develop the perception of a fractured Israel.

The demographic tipping point toward more religious representation in Israel's security, military and government has already occurred. It is a statistical point from which there is no return yet some would prefer to control their destiny. To that Prime Minister Netanyahu recently stated Israel is a “country with an army, not an army with a country” which was followed by a decision to ban Ehud Barak from giving his annual address to senior officers of Israel's Defense Force. This, combined with Benny Gantz departure from the War Cabinet indicates the political war is warming up.

Before the tragic events of October 2023, opposition to reform was concentrated, intense and momentous. Since that time many less controversial reforms have progressed into law. This long existential war, the passage of time and weaponization of the country's first National Guard, under the one-time expenditure and direction of Internal Security Minister Ben Gvir, has permanently reversed the real risk of a civil war. Now, the forthcoming USA elections will bear significantly on the challenge that lies ahead. One way or another, the majority of Israeli's have been reminded that they stand alone, responsible for themselves, their people, their nation and their land - from the river to the sea! 





Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Oppressors Imposition

Victimhood has well served Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood push to impose an unfortunate identify on people living under the Palestinian authority and Hamas. In the past decades the Palestinian cause has actively grown its distinctive brand beginning with its unique Palestinian keffiyeh followed by the flag of its national ideology. In the 1960's it was popularized by the founder of the modern movement for Palestine Yasser Arafat. He wore it on all occasions until it became symbolic of the Islamic cause which obtained foundation when it was embraced by Democrats in the USA under President Barack Obama. 

Since the early eighties Israel often claimed to be the victim of the violent terror against it, but rarely succeeded to hold the line for more than a few weeks on each unfortunate occasion. During thirty years of Oslo Accords Israel's comparative tragedy has been less effective than the Arab victims entrapped in their Palestinian tragedy by Qatar, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. Victimhood became Qatar's philosophical high ground. Cunningly and by default, Israel's self-proclaimed, Zionist inspired national flag became a symbol of the oppressor and invisible shield for the impostor. 

To understand the victim - oppressor phenomenon faced by Israel, in context of its Zionist imposition one must also look to Qatar's geopolitical drama. Sandwiched between arch enemies Saudi Arabia and Iran, Qatari logic is Middle Eastern where attack is the best form of defense. As such Qatar is vested to disrupt Israel, the unifying enemy, and its Zionist narrative against aggressive Muslim Brotherhood imperialism. 

Qatar faces Israel's rising threat to its regional Brotherhood opportunity primarily because Mediterranean sourced natural pipeline gas, procured and secured by Israel for supply to Europe, will significantly disrupt Qatar and its gas field partner Iran's more expensive, liquified gas. Israel’s massive underwater pipeline initiative is supported and secured by German supplied submarines and will bring prosperity to Greece, Italy, Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. Further Israeli secured Mediterranean pipeline gas is a key to dislodging Russian dominance over European energy. 

Qatar is determined to pursue its pan Syria-Turkey-Europe gas pipeline dream that inspires them to invest in the entrapment of Arabs under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. These Arab victims are Qatar's sentimental tools to enlist sympathetic voices and supporters that dominate attention and influence over government policies in foreign countries, particularly the USA.

Meanwhile, Russian tension in Ukraine keeps Europe from developing alternative natural gas pipelines from eastern Europe that would further reduce Russian dominance. Time is working in Israel's favor as it develops an increasingly likely European energy supply despite its battle against Qatari sponsored negative public sentiment. The road ahead is complex, but the reward is annual GDP approaching tens of billions of dollars.

While geopolitics dominates national agenda's Israel must extricate itself from the oppressors imposition. Liberals in the USA and Europe are pacifists, mindful of Islamic constituencies and Qatari backing, but a cornerstone of Qatar's geopolitical, philosophical and religious agenda is Arab entrapment. 

Israel's moral compass and conviction represents the greatest hope of freeing Arabs from the cruel Qatari sponsored entrapment by proxies Hamas and The Palestinian Authority. Israel must step out into the limelight, it must take the high ground and call out the impostor who pretends in order to deceive others for fraudulent gain. Qatar has painted Israel as the oppressor, which it is not, now its time for Israel to call Qatar out as the greatest impostor, defrauding Arabs under Hamas and the Palestinian Authority of their true freedom and human rights. 


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Programmed Haredi Opposition vs. GDP Contribution

The programmed attack, by so many Israelis, on Hareidim (the religious who wear black), those who dedicate their early life to Torah study and often continue into institutionalized Yeshiva life, is relentless. Their basis for attack is largely unwarranted except for the compounding fact that institutionalized Haredim default to extend Torah study and through it justify their avoiding compulsory service in Israel's defense force (IDF). These people are supported by their Rabbinical heads, much to the ire of Israel's secular and other religious communities. 

The Haredi Torah enterprise is an extremely successful machine, funded and financed by massive flows of foreign and domestic private sector philanthropy and government funding. Among those who exit institutionalized Torah study, some become independently wealthy and continue to finance and support the institutions and their people.

I have tried to aggregate the total of all private sector philanthropy dedicated to Haredi communities, but the government does not openly promote this statistic. In my estimate it warrants inclusion in the annual economic reporting of domestic GDP because it would certainly be a significant private sector contribution, likely to exceed $1 billion annually. Unreported GDP of this magnitude underlies ignorance among the wider community of Israelis.

What motivates the private sector to support such an enterprise is complex, but Haredim present the most successful model for Jewish continuity of any other Jewish segment, worldwide, by far and that may be the ultimate reason. 

Further, Haredi enlistment into the IDF is very low and the problem exacerbated by institutionalized sectors of  Haredi community who are typically older than 21, and who continue married life, centered around the Yeshiva, without ever pursuing regular forms of employment. Arab sectors of Israeli society who also have very low enlistment rates also drain taxpayer funding through educational institutions of Israel. The problem is not limited to Haredim, yet they remain the target of attack.

Efforts are underway to improve Haredi enlistment, but its high time the Haredi leaders and Israel's government fight for improved transparency so the nation can become more aware of their important economic contribution to the country.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Purim, Randomness and Quantum Mechanics

Purim in Tel Aviv

Einstein stated, "God does not play dice with the universe." In his clarifying letter, he wrote: "God tirelessly plays dice under laws which He has Himself prescribed.”

These days we may have an easier time understanding the double-slit experiment that demonstrates light and matter can satisfy classical definitions for both waves and particles. This ambiguity is considered evidence for the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. Electrons fired in a single trajectory toward a screen, pass through a barrier with two slits, then interfere to produce bright and dark bands on the screen, a result that would not be expected if light consisted of classical particles.

This dual particle-wave quality demonstrates the fundamental limitation of the observer to predict experimental results, Richard Feynman called it "a phenomenon" where the observer affects the outcome.

Strangely the Jewish holiday of Purim celebrates drawing the random lot, as in a "lottery", that was played by Israel's chief villain to decide the date he would annihilate the Jews of Persia. The festival obliges Jews to reach a mind set, typically induced by excessive alcohol, where the cursed villain Haman and blessed hero, of the Jewish people, Mordechai are identical. Strangely, while inebriated, Jews must remain cognoscente that Haman was the villain. This mental juggling act can get tricky for some, especially after a few drinks and atonement on this occurs through unadulterated expression of joy. 

So why, on this most festive day of the entire calendar do Jews celebrate the miracle in the "lottery", surely there are other much more meaningful aspects of this redemption from collective disaster? 

Based on thousands of years of teachings, consistent with Torah, the Rebbe precisely describes the lofty, apparent randomness of the "lottery"! In classic Kabballah and Chassidus, the studies of Jewish mysticism and philosophy, the world and its Creator are defined, often invoking scientific analogies. For the uninitiated these are difficult to comprehend, but here in his Maamar, Al Kein Karu (highly recommended reading), on the story of Purim, the Rebbe transcends all complex spiritual barriers.

The lottery describes a lofty spiritual level like that experienced on the calendars holiest day, Yom Kippur, literally meaning a day like (ki) a "lottery" (pur). The classic meaning is a day like Purim where "like" defines Purim's lofty status over Yom Kippur. Opposite to Purim, atonement on Yom Kippur is granted for conflicting the Will of the Creator and takes place through affliction and fasting. Similarly, on Yom Kippur lots were cast to decide which of two identical goats would be sent to Azazel, the evil side and which one would be offered up on the Holy Temple Altar.

Since these items, goats, villain or hero should be either physically or spiritually identical ones intellect cannot reach a meaningful decision thus the will or desire to make an informed decision submits. Reverting to a higher order, the decision rises to the level of lot or lottery.

Masterfully The Rebbe elaborates on the Biblical sources that teach how choosing, on these high holidays, resembles the systematic order of creation. Here, 'lottery" presides above will or desire, but even more lofty, the possession of a free-choice. Therefore, in deference, The Creator, who granted free-choice to Man, Woman and the Jewish People, presides, including over particles and waves as The Master of Free-Choice. The Ultimate Observer affects infinite outcomes because every expression is probable, identical until, in our world, its momentarily not.

Haman and Babylonians knew about spiritual systems, he knew that his lot fell in the month Moses, the leader of the Jewish people died, he didn't know it was also the month of his birth. Only the lottery would afford him a random chance to destroy the Jewish people. In his arrogance he failed to recognize that free-choice granted by The Master of Free Choice affects all outcomes through His continuous expression that manifests as time and space. 

King Achashverosh (his name intimating controller over alternating modes of speaking-silence) who who had been influenced by his Jewish Queen, Esther (her name intimating her concealment), lifted his decree against the Jewish people and placed Haman's future into his Queen's hand. The gallows Haman prepared for Mordechai were instead used on Haman and the Jewish people were saved from certain annihilation.

Spooky science at a distance? Then watch this.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Two State Impossibility!

Corruption, virulent orators and criminals

Most people governed by the Palestinian Authority or Hamas are not indigenous nor do they share common nationhood. The significant majority descend from Arab immigrant laborers who came from Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon. There are smaller representations from prior to 1948, but most trace their roots to indigenous tribes of other countries. 

These mixed clans were the Arab underclass, vulnerable to corrupt or criminal gang leaders who exploited their absent nationhood with disastrous affect. Since the 1970's rival quasi-political groups, that became Fattah and Hamas, sold themselves as political parties that could establish and lead a cohesive, prosperous Palestinian nation. As we know that did not occur, most of their rhetoric promoted self-serving opportunities for individual economic gain at the people's expense.

The failure to self-govern opened the door to virulent orators, benevolent dictators and criminals who exploited global antisemitism or anti-Israel sentiment to deflect abstract failure, blame Israel and raise funds for the so called anti-Jew 'Palestinian cause' and enrich themselves. Despite support of global liberal democracies, these Arabs have not elected representatives for more than 15 years, yet sponsorship from nations has been abundant. Not surprisingly western nations compromised their long upheld democratic values and joined others to back anti-Zionist protagonists who suppressed the voices of these disparate Arab clans under the thin Palestinian veil. 

Since the late 1970's Fattah and Hamas leaders, of these 4 million broken people, pushed the armed struggle against Israel to the front of their radicalized political agenda's. The events of Simchat Torah 5784 (October 7, 2023) brought the ugly reality of 'Palestinian' people to a shocking head and apparent realization. Now, Israel has been forced to expand its active responsibility for the security of its citizens and resident aliens, between the river and the sea. 

Israeli hostages, presently captive in Gaza, are mostly from liberal Kibbutz families of the South. Many have worked tirelessly over decades to assist Gaza residents to gain work opportunities in Israel. Now those families are desperately trying to shift their nations priority to the plight of loved ones, against the nations preferred priority to defeat Hamas. These families will be politically exploited as globalists fund  sponsorship of more domestic unrest and bring Israelis to accept the priority of hostages over destruction of Hamas. 

The so called nation of "Palestinian People" does not exist and never will, but the plight of the Arabs who presently live under these corrupt authorities must be presented with options for better lives. Despite attempts by foreign actors to recognize a Palestinian state, Israel will ultimately offer residents pathway to status as an Israeli resident alien followed by a multi-year probationary citizenship and ultimately citizenship to the United nation of Israel.

Now Israel is, for the first time, facing its toughest challenge, rising anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti Israel pressures. It will face rising domestic security costs and heightened domestic rhetoric while it comprehends and prepares for a secure, one state future in which Jewish Sovereignty, from the river to the sea, will finally be constitutionally guaranteed by the equivalent of a Jewish senate. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Who Wants To Speak Like Ben-Gvir?

Most will react, "not me", but why? Consider this:

The term "Big Bang" is insensitive to unimaginable quantum states that turned on spacetime, particles, elements, stars and galaxies, but mostly, because the universe has no center the term is also grossly inaccurate.

3 billion acids, attached to sugars, make up DNA of the human genome. A change to any can lead to the birth of a super talented individual, a genius, a leader who stands out from the crowd, or it may cause excessive anxiety, depression, suffering, disease and even death. Technologies manipulate DNA, test results and compute vast cellular networks that inform us about previously unknown sensitive, but transformative events. 

The Bible recalls that one frog emerged from the Nile and resulted in a plague of frogs that engulfed Ancient Egypt. We can only imagine this super-species was initiated through a small DNA alteration, in a progenitor, that rapidly accumulated and was programmed to annihilate shortly after its ascent onto land. 

Some plagues in Egypt were easily replicated by the necromancer opponents of Moses. Others distracted them, caused their concentration lapse and suddenly they were defeated. We disconnect from the sensitivities behind these events because our noisy world distracts us. 

Simchat Torah 5784 (7 October 2023) marked a distraction with disastrous affect for Israel. The Jewish people have always experienced periods of unification followed by utter distraction that plunged them into the abyss of suffering. On each occasion Israel has valiantly returned from its exiled state to a heightened awareness where people speak more kindly of each other. 

Indeed the Hebrew word for speak is also the plague of pestilence or דבר (DeVeR) the preceded hail or ברד (BaRaD) through a one letter switch that changed the outcome for millions. 

We hate our present state of exile, our suffering, but it reminds us to be aware, to speak more kindly of each other and to anticipate the delicate possibility of redemption. In suffering we suppress our base, emotional instincts to amplify our personal voices and attack others. In good times the status-quo is nice, life is generally good, that's when we can sink to defend our comfort.

We may not like what Ben-Gvir has to say, or how his offensive confronts us and our preference to deny uncomfortable, inconvenient truths about frenemies. Apparently, for some, he promotes suffering and how do we respond? We attack the disrupter of our comfortable beliefs, our status-quo! We protest, amplify our voices, disrupt others and become polarized. Then, redemption dissipates and distraction passes the baton to enemies who are patient, dedicated and poised to dispel their disaster upon us.

A laissez faire approach to Palestinian frenemies, by Israel's elected governments of the past 30 years, resulted in Hamas rising, arming, training and unfortunately exploiting the inconvenient truth. We must wise up, respect each other, focus on security and let Israel's politicians do our tough talking, but we must not let this moment pass, we must demand they do more.

For the honor of those who have fallen and those, 100 days later, who continue suffering the most, we should all endeavor to make Simchat Torah 5784 the beginning of our full and final redemption.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Timeline of Jacob at Jerusalem's Stone Temple

Biblical events and archaeology, on the eastern slope of Mount Moriah are complex.  Here, I constructed this dual timeline, from creation with Gregorian dating.

According to Biblical chronology Jacob's first encounter on Mount Moriah took place in 1573 BCE. Twenty two years later, in 1553 BCE, he returned with his family to Mount Moriah. Later Jacob immigrated to Egypt, where his descendants remained for 250 years before they returned to their ancestral land.

The overlapping 100 year use of the water channel (1535 BCE) with time of Jacob makes this discovery remarkable particularly because of its exciting context with the rock-cut-temple and matzevah, stone pillar found within the stone temple location. According to the Bible Jacob erected a matzevah at this location (Genesis 35:14).

Part One
Biblical Dating

Part Two

The video weaves the time bound elements of this remarkable discovery at the City of David, Jerusalem.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The New, Better Israel

MK Simcha Rothman,
 Chairman of the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee

Israeli disunity and distress leading up to the Simchat Torah 5783 (October 7, 2023) attack parallels ancient events. To understand these I provide some background.

The holiday of our Redemption is commonly known as Passover or Pesach and the traditional meal ends with participants saying: “Next Year in Jerusalem”. That would be ok, unless your dinner happens to be located in Jerusalem, where all attendees sing out the same ‘Next year in Jerusalem’. Seems strange doesn’t it? 

The universal tradition renders it a personal statement. Regardless of location, each attendee has not realized their fullest redemption from self imposed exile, perhaps it will be, next year.

The traditional Seder dinner focuses on the story of Israel’s exodus from Egypt, in Hebrew Mitzrayim. The word rendered as: M-tZ-R-Y-M can be segmented as Ma-tZ-eR Ya-M, translated as ‘Sea of Distress’. In other words, in Egypt, Israel was drowning in a Sea of Distress. 

Israelite enslavement started under an Egyptian Pharoah whose ministers grew anxious that Israel's flourishing population posed a civil threat that could topple their regime. The antidote was a birth control decree that banned male babies, requiring them to be killed at birth. This exacerbated the national distress for millions of Israelites as Egyptian authorities pursued pregnant mothers. 

The Bible explains this is the time that Moses was born, rescued and raised in the palace of Pharaoh. When he was older he became incensed by an Egyptian taskmasters abuse of an Israelite woman and subsequent beating of her husband. Moses struck out and killed the Egyptian.

Had it not been for Israelite disunity Moses could have triggered the rebellion Egyptians feared most. Instead the victim blamed Moses for highlighting their plight. accused him of being a self-appointed judge and reported his action to the authorities. Moses fled and Israel's torturous conditions prevailed.

Now, our babies have been dismembered, murdered, kidnapped, as hostages our woman raped and our men beaten. Is this the result of our Israelite disunity, our national disorder that appears to parallel events in Egypt? On Simchat Torah the disunity was brought to a head. Now Israel has choices to make, either prolong the suffering, like it was in Egypt, or come to the full behavioral realization that our redemption moment has arrived. Take it or leave it. 

In the words of MK Simcha Rothman, chairman of the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee: "When the war is over, we will all be different. Because we learned something. My camp created a great deal of fear in people and did not do enough to reduce the fear. In the future, I will do everything not to pry into the other side's wounds in a manner that would make them unable to listen".

This time we must be different, politics has its place as it must, but we are above that and this is our moment to shine! 

We must not allow this holy day to be denigrated by calling it 10/7, 7/10 or the October 7 massacre. Instead, in honor to those who have sacrificed the most, we must elevate it to the highest spiritual order. It is Israel's calling, its Simchat Torah Redemption - soon in Jerusalem! 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

My Journey to Israel.

Of the roughly 100 trips I have made to Israel over the last 20 years, this one was the most challenging, physically, mentally and spiritually. The day I landed, a ceasefire had come into effect and on the following day I visited the shiva home of Eitan Dishon z’l a brave combat soldier. His mother and father could not stop thanking me enough for expanding the neighborhood of Nof Tzion where they live. Eitan had come home the weekend before, his Dad proudly showed off pictures standing proud with his son. He visited his grandparents and friends before returning to base. On the fateful day, driving the troop carrier, he popped his head through the hatch to observe broader surroundings only to be hit at the back of the head by a sniper in a nearby building. After that the IDF flattened more buildings to protect troops in vehicles like Etian’s. 

The ceasefire produced days of quiet and reflection. We had held BBQ’s in the north where it is often difficult to secure meat supplies, but Sydney resident Louis Goldstein’s son Yossi and his platoon got to eat a meal fit for a king. I filled most days with meetings, property, technology, visiting half empty offices, Jerusalem, TelAviv dealing with a busy schedule. One of my meetings was with my close friend Didi, one of my lawyers, for the past 20 years, a member of Jerusalem’s city council. His brother, an absolute lion of a man, Yossi Hershkowitz z’l had been killed in the days before I arrived. We spent time talking about his great achievements and how sorely he would be missed. 

Through the week I began to sense how traumatized people were, even the toughest people closest to me, lawyers, accountants, counsellors, politicians, business associates. Everyone was affected, but no-one knew how far reaching this would be.  

I spent some time with the legendary Dovi Meyer, he was running from pillar to post handing out tzedakah checks to families whose kids had fallen in battle, or running concerts, BBQ’s and other events. Still he and I found a few times to catch up, with the usual crew at the cigar shop in Mamilla. 

On my first Friday, just before Shabbat I made my regular trip to the City of David’s, Gihon Spring, a mikvah tucked in a crevice of a cave at the base of Mount Moriah adjacent to Silwan. The mikvah has been there since the dawn of time. Midrashim states that Adam sat in that mikvah, continuously for 130 years, after ‘the sin’ in Gan Eden. There I met my friend Moshe Weiz, a giant in Torah, Rosh Yeshiva and General in the IDF, responsible for troop movements in Yehuda and Shomron. He said something that stuck: These are great days we are living through. Immediately I understood what he was saying. How can we know anything of the reasons for a demonic massacre of our people, or of our hostages caged in tunnels, or spreading voices of denial and abounding antisemitism? Are we so blind not to see the awakening consciousness behind the common morality of the Jewish people. 

Afterall it was Bilam, the world’s greatest demon who was once compelled to pronounce: “How precious are your tents O’Jacob, your dwelling places O’Israel”.

My moments under the cold waters of that mikvah were special, they always are. 

Before I could blink it was Shabbat. At Beis Menachem, we made kiddush and sat through a very reflective fabreing. At 6AM the next morning we jumped into my CEO’s car heading south. Along the way we stopped in Netivot to catch the 7:30 AM Shacharit Minyan. Driving through the town, you could spot the missile hits that had previously damaged the odd building. Along the way we stopped at the graveyard of 2300 cars that had been destroyed by the more than 3000 terrorists, blood thirsty Gazan’s and the journalists who accompanied them. Each car tagged, many had burned to a rusty shell. Zaka volunteers had searched and carefully logged every car for clues of body parts that would identify victims. 

We stopped at Kibbutz Alumim where 60 terrorists had been eliminated by brave residents, a skeleton crew of IDF and citizen responders among whom two heroic brothers, who had rushed to the rescue only to be killed al pi’ kiddush Hashem. 17 Thai and Nepalese farm workers were slaughtered, the rest kidnapped. Of the 17, 8 were knifed to death in a safe room. The others shot and burned in their bunks. Farm equipment was torched, milking facilities destroyed, clearly an objective was to destroy the symbolisms of Israel infrastructure. For the next few hours we sat watching security system videos that were time-sync edits of the camera captures from the first terrorists entering the kibbutz and the brave battles to contain them.

As we drove past the forest of the Nova festival site a road-sign over the bridge informed us we were in “Eretz Gerar ”, the very place Philistine King Avimelech and his General Phichol had once come to demand a peace pact with Isaac after they had attacked Isaac and stopped up his wells. Why did they come to demand peace? Because Isaac had been blessed, they were defeated by his continuous success in everything he did and their moral ineptitude scared them. Perhaps, here is a lesson to be learned through Israel’s abundant modern day successes, perhaps we should terrorize them with our most successful people, in all areas of life, until they fear that God is with us. 

At Tzehilim infantry base we arranged a BBQ for a few hundred soldiers. There I was shocked to discover the degree of our resolve. Religious or secular, men and women soldiers who had been living in tents, on the ground or on foam mattresses for the past 54 days, I asked them whether they wanted to go home. Their answers reflected a consistent almost monotonous tone; “yes, but we’re not ready until we finish the job. 

The next day, a special group convened to give birth to Project “Israel Slingshot”. Fundraisers, web developers, intelligence, media buying experts and marketers all came together with one common goal; defeat online antisemitism! A few days later Amichai Chikli, Diaspora and Hasbara Minister met with us to endorse the initiative and provide initial matching support. We’re raising donations to buy media impressions, via open-web exchanges, presently reaching audiences with ads for Stand With US and other pro-Israeli messaging on sites like Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, CNN Arabic, Sky News, etc. Imagine getting an Israel activist message that celebrates successful Jews, 3 times a day or more, everyday, wherever you are on the open web, for years to come! Every $1 raised buys 1000 impressions, with matching 2000. With the right pro-Jewish messages, over time, that will reduce ignorance, make a dent and break the cycle of social media echo chambers. 

Besides this action packed agenda, it was very special to host Malcolm and Dani Daitz on a tour of the excavation I have been very close to for the past 14 years. The place I believe everyone will one day recognize as being the stone that Jacob erected the night after his famous stairway to heaven dream. In context, that stone sits among four bedrock rooms of a stone temple, carved into the eastern slope of Mount Moriah, immediately above the Gihon Spring. 

Then the inevitable, the ceasefire was lifted and before I knew it, Shabbos was upon us, back to the Gihon spring. A very special Shabbos, Yud Tes Kislev, The holiday of redemption. Yahrzeit of the Maggid, the day the Alter Rebbe was released from prison. The Kiddush and fabreing continued until Ma’ariv, if only we could have taken some pictures of Chassidim slouching on tables filled with empty plates, bottles and l'chaim. 

The news after Shabbos wasn’t good, several soldiers fell. Sadly, along with thousands, I attended the Levya of 22 year old Sergeant First Class, Ben Zussuman from Jerusalem. The words of Ben’s mother Sarit echoed through Israel and world media - in Hebrew she said: 

“We are a people who want to live, not like our enemies, who are lowly and miserable, cowards, Nazis, who together with their accomplices sanctify death. We will live, and thrive, and build…We have to be successful. It's either us or them. Either the Nazis and their accomplices, or us.

Do you hear, people of Israel?  World, do you hear? Or do you hear, our cowardly and evil and death thirsty enemies?

The Nation of Israel lives, Am Yisroel Chai, for all of eternity, for ever and ever, standing tall, head held high, now more than ever. Be strong, believe, pursue goodness -- demand goodness, and we will win.”

Happy Hanukkah!