
Showing posts with label Turkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Turkey. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Oppressors Imposition

Victimhood has well served Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood push to impose an unfortunate identify on people living under the Palestinian authority and Hamas. In the past decades the Palestinian cause has actively grown its distinctive brand beginning with its unique Palestinian keffiyeh followed by the flag of its national ideology. In the 1960's it was popularized by the founder of the modern movement for Palestine Yasser Arafat. He wore it on all occasions until it became symbolic of the Islamic cause which obtained foundation when it was embraced by Democrats in the USA under President Barack Obama. 

Since the early eighties Israel often claimed to be the victim of the violent terror against it, but rarely succeeded to hold the line for more than a few weeks on each unfortunate occasion. During thirty years of Oslo Accords Israel's comparative tragedy has been less effective than the Arab victims entrapped in their Palestinian tragedy by Qatar, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. Victimhood became Qatar's philosophical high ground. Cunningly and by default, Israel's self-proclaimed, Zionist inspired national flag became a symbol of the oppressor and invisible shield for the impostor. 

To understand the victim - oppressor phenomenon faced by Israel, in context of its Zionist imposition one must also look to Qatar's geopolitical drama. Sandwiched between arch enemies Saudi Arabia and Iran, Qatari logic is Middle Eastern where attack is the best form of defense. As such Qatar is vested to disrupt Israel, the unifying enemy, and its Zionist narrative against aggressive Muslim Brotherhood imperialism. 

Qatar faces Israel's rising threat to its regional Brotherhood opportunity primarily because Mediterranean sourced natural pipeline gas, procured and secured by Israel for supply to Europe, will significantly disrupt Qatar and its gas field partner Iran's more expensive, liquified gas. Israel’s massive underwater pipeline initiative is supported and secured by German supplied submarines and will bring prosperity to Greece, Italy, Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. Further Israeli secured Mediterranean pipeline gas is a key to dislodging Russian dominance over European energy. 

Qatar is determined to pursue its pan Syria-Turkey-Europe gas pipeline dream that inspires them to invest in the entrapment of Arabs under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. These Arab victims are Qatar's sentimental tools to enlist sympathetic voices and supporters that dominate attention and influence over government policies in foreign countries, particularly the USA.

Meanwhile, Russian tension in Ukraine keeps Europe from developing alternative natural gas pipelines from eastern Europe that would further reduce Russian dominance. Time is working in Israel's favor as it develops an increasingly likely European energy supply despite its battle against Qatari sponsored negative public sentiment. The road ahead is complex, but the reward is annual GDP approaching tens of billions of dollars.

While geopolitics dominates national agenda's Israel must extricate itself from the oppressors imposition. Liberals in the USA and Europe are pacifists, mindful of Islamic constituencies and Qatari backing, but a cornerstone of Qatar's geopolitical, philosophical and religious agenda is Arab entrapment. 

Israel's moral compass and conviction represents the greatest hope of freeing Arabs from the cruel Qatari sponsored entrapment by proxies Hamas and The Palestinian Authority. Israel must step out into the limelight, it must take the high ground and call out the impostor who pretends in order to deceive others for fraudulent gain. Qatar has painted Israel as the oppressor, which it is not, now its time for Israel to call Qatar out as the greatest impostor, defrauding Arabs under Hamas and the Palestinian Authority of their true freedom and human rights. 
