
Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2024

Be More Jewish - Rising From The Ashes!

PODCAST (10min) - Future Israel

For Israeli's, October 7 2023 changed everything! So shocking were the events of terror that the longest war in Israel's history has since ensued. Sentiments of shock, sadness and anger generated mixed emotional responses from a nation burying their dead and dealing with the day to day realities of war. Within a few weeks, citizens of Israel, secular, religious, left and right, concluded that the Two State Solution was dead. Such was their unusually unified resolve that by July 2024 the Knesset unanimously passed a resolution outright rejecting Palestinian statehood.

After 60 years of pro-Palestinian propaganda, that accentuated Israel's political divide over land, for the benefit of non-Israeli citizens and residents, October 7 birthed the unambiguous, uncompromising Sovereign Jewish State of Israel. In the absence of territorial controversies, with the exception of a few revival attempts led by former Prime Ministers Olmert and Barak, the overwhelming national 'dinner table' debate has swung toward the future of Israel's national identity. One day it may be argued that the debate about Judicial Reform, preceding October 7, was a precursor that ultimately led the nation to resolve its identity crisis. 

It is glaringly obvious that religious nationalists, serving in the army, have suffered more deaths and injuries in the war than any other representative group. That fact has not been lost on anyone. On the front lines, their commitment, dedication and self sacrifice is increasingly apparent and appreciated, yet their representation in the higher echelons of Israel's military machine are few.  But, the old guard will yield and religious nationalists will eventually obtain more control. 

The shift in the Defense Force rank and file reflects changes taking place at every level of society.  Participation rates among ultra orthodox Haredi communities will improve, but religious nationalists are fully engaged. In the past 7 years ultra secular communities have lost representative power to ultra religious nationalist groups. The last bastion of secular resistance may eventually come from the air force where members, especially elite pilots, are predominantly secular. 

For secular Israeli's uncertainty abounds, but the demographic sands are shifting fast and transition of authority is inevitable. So, what will a future Israel look like? In the absence of territorial concessions, to untrustworthy neighbors, all roads lead to Israel securing its ‘river to the sea’ land. As the idea of 'Palestine' fades, Arab documented aliens will demand they transition to Israeli residency and residents to citizenship. No doubt this will threaten Israel's present, comfortable Jewish dominance.

The multi decade process described above must first provide Jews secure, permanent sovereign power over their indigenous land of Israel. Only legislative restructure and constitution can guarantee the future Jewish State of Israel from dilution to Arabs presently living under the last vestiges of Palestinian Authority. Here we return to the dinner table debate to illustrate how this may work.

The religious who are naturally more comfortable with their Rabbinical authorities, are infiltrating the echelons of defense and government. To resolve the impasse of judicial reform, in the face of an intransigent Supreme Court, religious nationals are being pressured to reform government. Part of that reform exposes the differences between religious nationals and Haredim for control over Israel's religious courts and its brand of orthodoxy. This emphasizes The Religious Ministry where control over the presently mandated Electoral Committee for National Rabbinical representation in cities of Israel sits.

The Electoral Committee for Rabbis of Israel dates back to foundation and is the States only other mandated election beside municipalities and the Knesset. Rabbinical reform in Israel has also become a target of more liberal groups and those intent on Jewish law being interpreted to practically accommodate the needs of secular society. 

Rabbinical reform, targeted, by referendum, to modify the electoral legislative framework of Rabbi's, could conceivably catapult elected Rabbis into a newly established upper house of government. Such a case would immediately elevate the Rabbinical court of Israel. By this legislative reformation an upper house of elected Rabbi's would assume the present authority of the Prime Minister's cabinet to approve new laws drafted by the Knesset. 

Under this scenario the Rabbinical upper house would exclusively sign off on any draft law introduced by the elected members of the Knesset. This framework, alone would guarantee Israel's Jewish sovereignty. A Rabbinical upper house of the Knesset, that was sympathetic to the nations religious court, would mitigate the present judicial reform impasse at the Supreme Court. Finally such a representative body would establish the permanent state of Jewish Sovereignty, a final form of government in readiness for the anointment of a King and building of Israel's final, permanent temple in Jerusalem. May the pomp and ceremony begin, BezH" soon!







Sunday, June 23, 2024

Israel 's Point Of No Return!

...then it was Jerusalem Day. Yeshiva students bussed in, kids gathered in parks, families, tourists, flags and song. Walking, as they have done in previous years, Minister of Internal Security Itamar Ben Gvir and Deputy Mayor Arieh King. If this were a political rally, fake news would have claimed 100,000+ attended, but it was not. Around 40,000 came to express gratitude, celebrating the miracle of Israel's rapid victory in June 1967 that reunited Jerusalem with its Jewish people. 

In stark contrast some 60,000 people are displaced from their homes, living in temporary accommodations without knowing when they will return. Others are anxious presently living in a state of despair that their lives will be impacted by future religious governments not aligned with their lifestyle. 

Since Simchat Torah, October 7, public opinion about military and political leadership has moved from from disdain to despair. Confidence was shattered as it became abundantly clear that Israel's attempt, over the past 20 years, to thwart foreign and local enemies has failed. Israel's divisive political crisis, over Judicial Reform, has been subdued by its existential and leadership crisis as the nation was thrust  into a complex war including in the broader Jewish world. 

In business meetings, on the train, bus, or in daily traffic, running errands, transporting kids, exercise or gainful enjoyment feels like oblivion, knowing that soldiers are sacrificing their lives to benefit the nation. Feeling useless and the inevitable bad news brings on a certain guilt, but Israeli's are stoic, they confront facts, grieve loss, do more and march on relentless. 

Meanwhile, Israel's activist political organizations are shifting emphasis from hostages to anti-government rhetoric, years in advance of the next scheduled election. Their hope; to lure offshore state actors and Jews into their desired political realm. To that end Anti-government protest organizations like Hofshi Israel, for Benny Gantz Blue and White party, estimated more than 150,000 people attended their June 22 rally, calling it the biggest since the Gaza war began. Although Israelis treat these impossible numbers with disdain, Iranian and Arab opposition media promote them to a naive, sheepish world to develop the perception of a fractured Israel.

The demographic tipping point toward more religious representation in Israel's security, military and government has already occurred. It is a statistical point from which there is no return yet some would prefer to control their destiny. To that Prime Minister Netanyahu recently stated Israel is a “country with an army, not an army with a country” which was followed by a decision to ban Ehud Barak from giving his annual address to senior officers of Israel's Defense Force. This, combined with Benny Gantz departure from the War Cabinet indicates the political war is warming up.

Before the tragic events of October 2023, opposition to reform was concentrated, intense and momentous. Since that time many less controversial reforms have progressed into law. This long existential war, the passage of time and weaponization of the country's first National Guard, under the one-time expenditure and direction of Internal Security Minister Ben Gvir, has permanently reversed the real risk of a civil war. Now, the forthcoming USA elections will bear significantly on the challenge that lies ahead. One way or another, the majority of Israeli's have been reminded that they stand alone, responsible for themselves, their people, their nation and their land - from the river to the sea! 





Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Oppressors Imposition

Victimhood has well served Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood push to impose an unfortunate identify on people living under the Palestinian authority and Hamas. In the past decades the Palestinian cause has actively grown its distinctive brand beginning with its unique Palestinian keffiyeh followed by the flag of its national ideology. In the 1960's it was popularized by the founder of the modern movement for Palestine Yasser Arafat. He wore it on all occasions until it became symbolic of the Islamic cause which obtained foundation when it was embraced by Democrats in the USA under President Barack Obama. 

Since the early eighties Israel often claimed to be the victim of the violent terror against it, but rarely succeeded to hold the line for more than a few weeks on each unfortunate occasion. During thirty years of Oslo Accords Israel's comparative tragedy has been less effective than the Arab victims entrapped in their Palestinian tragedy by Qatar, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. Victimhood became Qatar's philosophical high ground. Cunningly and by default, Israel's self-proclaimed, Zionist inspired national flag became a symbol of the oppressor and invisible shield for the impostor. 

To understand the victim - oppressor phenomenon faced by Israel, in context of its Zionist imposition one must also look to Qatar's geopolitical drama. Sandwiched between arch enemies Saudi Arabia and Iran, Qatari logic is Middle Eastern where attack is the best form of defense. As such Qatar is vested to disrupt Israel, the unifying enemy, and its Zionist narrative against aggressive Muslim Brotherhood imperialism. 

Qatar faces Israel's rising threat to its regional Brotherhood opportunity primarily because Mediterranean sourced natural pipeline gas, procured and secured by Israel for supply to Europe, will significantly disrupt Qatar and its gas field partner Iran's more expensive, liquified gas. Israel’s massive underwater pipeline initiative is supported and secured by German supplied submarines and will bring prosperity to Greece, Italy, Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. Further Israeli secured Mediterranean pipeline gas is a key to dislodging Russian dominance over European energy. 

Qatar is determined to pursue its pan Syria-Turkey-Europe gas pipeline dream that inspires them to invest in the entrapment of Arabs under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. These Arab victims are Qatar's sentimental tools to enlist sympathetic voices and supporters that dominate attention and influence over government policies in foreign countries, particularly the USA.

Meanwhile, Russian tension in Ukraine keeps Europe from developing alternative natural gas pipelines from eastern Europe that would further reduce Russian dominance. Time is working in Israel's favor as it develops an increasingly likely European energy supply despite its battle against Qatari sponsored negative public sentiment. The road ahead is complex, but the reward is annual GDP approaching tens of billions of dollars.

While geopolitics dominates national agenda's Israel must extricate itself from the oppressors imposition. Liberals in the USA and Europe are pacifists, mindful of Islamic constituencies and Qatari backing, but a cornerstone of Qatar's geopolitical, philosophical and religious agenda is Arab entrapment. 

Israel's moral compass and conviction represents the greatest hope of freeing Arabs from the cruel Qatari sponsored entrapment by proxies Hamas and The Palestinian Authority. Israel must step out into the limelight, it must take the high ground and call out the impostor who pretends in order to deceive others for fraudulent gain. Qatar has painted Israel as the oppressor, which it is not, now its time for Israel to call Qatar out as the greatest impostor, defrauding Arabs under Hamas and the Palestinian Authority of their true freedom and human rights. 


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Programmed Haredi Opposition vs. GDP Contribution

The programmed attack, by so many Israelis, on Hareidim (the religious who wear black), those who dedicate their early life to Torah study and often continue into institutionalized Yeshiva life, is relentless. Their basis for attack is largely unwarranted except for the compounding fact that institutionalized Haredim default to extend Torah study and through it justify their avoiding compulsory service in Israel's defense force (IDF). These people are supported by their Rabbinical heads, much to the ire of Israel's secular and other religious communities. 

The Haredi Torah enterprise is an extremely successful machine, funded and financed by massive flows of foreign and domestic private sector philanthropy and government funding. Among those who exit institutionalized Torah study, some become independently wealthy and continue to finance and support the institutions and their people.

I have tried to aggregate the total of all private sector philanthropy dedicated to Haredi communities, but the government does not openly promote this statistic. In my estimate it warrants inclusion in the annual economic reporting of domestic GDP because it would certainly be a significant private sector contribution, likely to exceed $1 billion annually. Unreported GDP of this magnitude underlies ignorance among the wider community of Israelis.

What motivates the private sector to support such an enterprise is complex, but Haredim present the most successful model for Jewish continuity of any other Jewish segment, worldwide, by far and that may be the ultimate reason. 

Further, Haredi enlistment into the IDF is very low and the problem exacerbated by institutionalized sectors of  Haredi community who are typically older than 21, and who continue married life, centered around the Yeshiva, without ever pursuing regular forms of employment. Arab sectors of Israeli society who also have very low enlistment rates also drain taxpayer funding through educational institutions of Israel. The problem is not limited to Haredim, yet they remain the target of attack.

Efforts are underway to improve Haredi enlistment, but its high time the Haredi leaders and Israel's government fight for improved transparency so the nation can become more aware of their important economic contribution to the country.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Deep Healing From A Security Disaster

Ehud Barak’s IDF ‘old guard’ assaulted and recruited left wing IDF commanders reducing their desire, will, aptitude and moral clarity to immediately respond to critical security signals. On that tragic Simchat Torah day the apathetic, tardy IDF response will, in retrospect, be judged heinous, bordering treason, for some senior officers.

Against the backdrop of judicial reform, Lapid’s social revolt breathed life into Barak’s cessation by coup d’etat that extrinsically graded less important regions, neighborhoods, citizens and people of Israel. That moral corruption on top of the Supreme Court’s conflict with its non-governable state systematically eroded the security fabric of Israel’s society.

Events have now cast the dye for Israeli’s. The risk to security ineptitude is now far greater than any benefit egregious, revolutionary, anti-government, political insurrection can offer them. The behavior of revolt is off the table and will not be tolerated by the Israeli regime being defined by these events.

Two Supreme Court decisions over the past few days have set new precedent for the courts 'hands off government' stance. Whether they maintain that standard is yet to be seen, but the message is being delivered and people in high places will be cautious, tentative even anxious about a future in which the mechanism of government are no longer subject to the whims of the political elite.

Tel Aviv is the most ‘ethnically cleansed’ city in Israel, a place where few Arabs are employed, relative to population. The angry left, who only a few months back led revolt against the rising religious are now fighting side-by-side with their brothers coming to the fast realization that ethnic sentiments ought to be redirected to their common security insurrections including from more broadly defined terrorism.

One can only hope this has forged a new political reality in which the left, right, religious and secular elevate an uncompromising security ideal to new heights across all walks of Israeli, its neighboring and global societal security interests.

The months ahead will be difficult, but the decades, after this painful period, will no doubt be brighter than ever.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Tragic Parallel Worlds!


Simchat Torah 

Torah's opening verses invite deep contemplations about creation into which we can masterfully weave our modern knowledge of astrophysics and quantum science. Last Hebrew year 5783 should have been a year in which the King of Israel traditionally taught his nation the secrets and wisdoms of Torah, but a King was not forthcoming.

Immediately after creation events Torah introduces readers to the mystery of its Messianic plan.

אֵ֣לֶּה תוֹלְד֧וֹת הַשָּׁמַ֛יִם וְהָאָ֖רֶץ בְּהִבָּֽרְאָ֑ם בְּי֗וֹם עֲשׂ֛וֹת יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים אֶ֥רֶץ וְשָׁמָֽיִם׃2:4 Such are the generations of heaven and earth when they were created. When the LORD God prepared earth and heaven.

You can learn the unique elements of this verse in this previous post. Relevant here is the term  'generations' spelled in its full form only in one other verse of the 24 books of Torah - the Book of Ruth, where it refers readers to the Messianic blood line of King David.

Another verse shares an odd grammatical distribution with the Book of Ruth. The word Kaniti is the source of the name Cain. 

וְהָ֣אָדָ֔ם יָדַ֖ע אֶת־חַוָּ֣ה אִשְׁתּ֑וֹ וַתַּ֙הַר֙ וַתֵּ֣לֶד אֶת־קַ֔יִן וַתֹּ֕אמֶר קָנִ֥יתִי אִ֖ישׁ אֶת־יְהֹוָֽה׃ 4:1 Now Adam knew his wife Eve, she conceived and bore Cain, saying, “I have acquired a person with the help of God”

Then, Cain murdered his brother Abel.

Eventually God gifted Abraham the land of Canaan as his rightful inheritance, but that presented challenges. With few relatives and a small household how would Abraham settle his land? What did Abraham do? He reached a peace-pact for the Philistine King and his people to stay in his land including in Aza, that pact was extended to future generations by Abraham's son Isaac. 

Isaac's son Jacob escaped his angry brother, left his fathers land and after 20 years began his return with his wives, 12 children and a large wealth in cattle. His estranged brother Esau encountered him and in a strained conversation about their respective aquisitions, his brother Esau claimed he had everything and didn't need Jacobs gift, Jacob urged him to take it stating he had been blessed with much.

Jacob entered the holy land where he immediately built a house, which he called Succot including shelter for his cattle. Then, his daughter Dina was raped in the nearby fields by landowner Shechem. Jacobs sons Levi and Shimon defended their land and honored their sister in a revenge that eliminated 24000 Shechemites. Jacob was concerned for their regional safety and very disturbed by their act. 

God appeared to Jacob to remind him of the covenant he had made 22 years earlier, before leaving his the land, that on his succesful return he promissed to build The House of God. Essentially saying; Have you forgotten the One who blessed you with your success? Realizing the error of his tardiness, Jacob instructed members of his household to bury the idols and treasures they posessed under a tree near their house (a common practice in ancient times). Unholy idols that Rachel had stolen from her father  and others were now buried in the holy land. 

The family made its way to Beit El, Jerusalem where Jacob attempted to fulfill his belated House of God covenant. But, tt wasn't to be! Within six months of arriving, Jacob's mother, Rebecca, died. The family left Bet El and on the way to her funeral in Hebron, near Bethlehem, Jacob's wife Rachel died giving birth to his 13th child Benjamin. The tragedies continued, Benjamins brother, Joseph was kidnapped, by his older brothers, sold into slavery and all 70 members of their family was exiled to Egypt where Jacob died.

210 years later Moses led more than two millions Israelis out of Egypt toward their land. But, not on the coastal route through Aza, land of the feared Philistines. Instead Israel diverted inland on a journey that took 40 years longer than it could have. Eventually Joshua led Israel into its holy land, immediately they conquered Jericho, but failed to conquer Beit El, Jerusalem. On each attempt the occupants reminded Joshua about the peace-pact Abraham and Isaac had entered with their Philistine descendants permitting them to stay in the land.

The rear-guard tribe, Dan was allotted the coastal land including Aza (today's Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Bat Yam). The other 11 tribes had already settled their land and failed to assist Dan conquer the powerful Philistines. Samson became the leader of Dan and also the nations senior judge. Singlehandedly he tried to draw attention to Israel's tribal apathy. He travelled to Aza where he tore off the citys' gate, carried it to the graves of Israel's Patriarchs and Matriarchs, in Hebron and pleaded their spiritual help. Sadly his demonstration did not inspire other tribes to help. Dispossessed of their land, some of Dan's tribal leaders established an idolatrous temple opposite the nations temporary sanctuary in Shilo. Samson continued to belittle the Philistines until God afforded him the opportunity to destroy their temple of idolatry and perish along with their leaders and thousands of congregants. 

The Philistines took revenge, they raided Israel's strongest tribes and targeted their holy temple in Shilo. Daringly and brazenly they stole the nations most holy possession, handed down by Moses - The Ark of Israel's Covenant with God! A thousand years after Abraham and Isaac the Philistine peace-pact was shattered! But, Dan and Israel were dispossessed of their land and never returned to conquer Aza. 

After King David arose in Hebron he conquered Jerusalem where he lived alongside the conquered Jebusite King. He recovered the Ark that had been abandonned by the Philistines, unified Israel's tribes and dreamed to fulfil Jacob's mission to build the House of God, but it wasn't to be. Instead, his son Solomon committed Israel to virtual slavery, for 7 years, to fulfill Jacob's House of God mission. Critically, Solomon was more lavish with his ornate palace that it took 12 years to build!

The House of God was finally inaugurated and King Solomon took to the public square to teach his nation the wisdoms of Torah. During Succoth, the most positive, joyous festival, Solomon taught from his book of Ecclesiastes, Kohelet, he opened: Meaningless, meaningless everything in life is meaningless... the acquisitions are meaningless true meaning can only be found when fulfilling the commandments of God's holy Torah. Solomon's House of God and the final Herodian Jewish Temple, in Syria-Palestina, as the Romans had named Israel, were ultimately destroyed.

This year 2023, being 2848 years after Solomon's House of God inauguration, Israel experienced its most rambunctious political and social divisions. People violently protested, vehemently defended their points of view, openly and widely publicized their disdain for each other. The Supreme court ruled against traditional religious practices in public spaces, which gave impetus for some protestors to denigrate Israel's holiest day of the year. On the day following Succot, during the joyous Simchat Torah festival of 5784, (7.10.23), 3 KM east of Aza, hundreds of party revelers naively danced before a giant Buddha juxtaposed were those who elsewhere danced with the nations traditional Torah.

In these tragic hours God closed the final spiritual gates of all Israel's sophisticated defense, border, police, air, ground, sea surveillance systems and the human forces that operate these and protect Israel. He blocked the ears and eyes of the public and caused all of Israel to fall. At the same time the spiritual gates for Hamas operatives to enter and carry out their barbarian savagery were left wide opened. In the right time these events will be disected and analyzed in fine and gory detail. However, for most people that Hamas was not spotted, or thwarted on the fence, in the sky or on ground in the 3KM gap, will remain mysterious, probably inexplicable. Regardless, Israel's resolve and response will usher in a new positive reality for Gaza, Israel and the world. 

We are mostly ignorant of Torah's spiritual realms and mortals dare not tie any to the harsh reality before us. But, our national lows often parallel past events and this horror cannot escape us as we look to the spiritual realms to find meaning and purpose. Please God, soon a King will arise to expound the mysteries and wisdoms of Torah that will motivate us to change our sensitivities, considerations and priorities toward each other and God. Then, Israel will finally be ready to build a befitting House of God for all people. 



Friday, October 13, 2023

Yes, Gaza Is Aza - End The 4000 Year Curse.

All Jews must prepare for a Holy war that lasts beyond evil Jihad. After Israel bombs more buildings, completes its ground invasion, kills lots of terrorists, rescues as many hostages as it can, buries and grieves its dead, we must ensure it corrects the 4000 year old curse of Aza by immediately securing land and possessing it in Gaza.

This curse relates to Abraham and Isaacs pact with the King of Philistines who attacked their wells, then demanded concessions for peace. Sound familiar? They granted him and his future generations the right to live on the land of Aza.

[Think tribal]: On Israel's return to its land, the tribe of Dan were allotted land that included Aza. The other 11 tribes of Israel, had already settled their land but, they failed to assist Dan conquer its allotment. Disenfranchised and demotivated, Dan's tribal leaders wandered aimlessly often promoting idolatry to other tribes. Then, Samson became a leader of Dan and the nations highest judge. Single handedly he attempted to draw attention to the problem. He went to Aza, ripped the iron gates off the city walls and carried them to the graves of Israel's Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron. Sadly no tribe stepped up to help the tribe of Dan. 

Samson belittled the powerful Philistines until he destroyed their temple of idolatry perishing with their leaders and thousands of congregants. Later, the Philistines raided all of Israel's tribes and stole the nations most holy possession, the Ark of Covenant, from their temple, in Shilo. The peace-pact was shattered a thousand years after Abraham and Isaac. But, Dan and Israel were dispossessed of their land and never returned to Aza. 

Yes, Aza is Gaza. Resurrecting that pact, the Romans named all of Israel Syria Palestina, and the British adopted the Roman resurrection calling it Palestine. On Simchat Torah 5784, of the Hebrew Year, Israel paid a very heavy price. Now, it must break the enemy curse and finally possess Aza. 


There, Israel must immediately build a Hesder Yeshiva and protect it with everything it’s got. Then, build another and another and another…until holy places of Jewish Torah learning and their communities are secured in all of Gaza. This is how Aza's neighborhoods can begin to be normalized. The plan has been implemented and is working for resilient Jewish communities in The City of David, Silwan, Nazareth elit, Bat Yam, Lud, Jabel MuKabar, Hebron and many other places in Israel. 

Holy Torah is the only weapon Israel has to dispel and resist any misconstrued, Jihad! Israel must not fall into the trap of building fences around empty tracts of land on which Palestinians can be recruited by the next Jihadist terror regime. That would be an invitation for the next disastrous tragedy in years or decades to come. Never again!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Israel vs Palestine Debate

If you ever found yourself in the hotly contested debate about occupation in Israel, you probably had to make a fight or flight decision to jump in, raise your blood pressure and argue your point or get out with your emotions in check. The subject seems to attract people who are motivated for many different reasons, none of which make this thorny subject any easier to navigate. For the purpose of this article lets just assume you are going to stay and argue. Therefore, given the diverse supercharged field, I highly suggest you do your homework and always take the offensive, you're going to need it.

In September 1970 Jordan's King declared a state of military rule to thwart an attempt to overthrow him. Following the brutal deaths and expulsion of thousands of Jordanian Fatah revolutionary fighters, the Black September organization was formed. In 1972 Black September raised their international awareness when they killed two and kidnapped nine members of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich. Under the banner of Fatah the, 10 year old, Palestinian Liberation Organization cooperated with Black September operatives and turned their attention toward domestic Israel.

By the early eighties there were few walls, barriers or fences between Jews, Arabs and Christians living in Israel. Until the Oslo Accords in 1993, life was a 'box of chocolates'. Kids would cross roads, streams and wide, open fields riding their bikes through each others neighborhoods. Adult's would shop in each others villages or markets and communities would happily coexist. Then, in the positioning and lead up to Oslo, the official business got underway and in everyone's way!

Oslo Accords
I'd like to reflect on this history, but there seems little point because the positions and vested interests of debaters, on either side, are mostly intransigent. Instead I'm going to focus and equip you with the tool that can direct the argument at the 'box of chocolates' in an attempt to restore elements of that once prosperous condition.

In 2021, Israel's per capita GDP  was $52,000 vs $3700 for those living under Palestinian Authority (PA) control. The vast gap will never be narrowed by the PA because Israel's natural gas supply, to its domestic market, has significantly improved its economic efficiency. Gas, defense and dominant technology exports ensure its future economic performance will expand the gap at a faster rate. The charts below illustrate the acceleration of Israel's vs. PA per capita GDP over the past decade. 

Israeli Government per capita GDP $52,000

Palestinian Authority per capita GDP $3700

What does this all mean? People living under the PA are severely disadvantaged. The gap is inexcusable! By comparison landlocked Swaziland's 2021 per capita GDP was $3900. But belligerent, authoritarian political policies of PA leaders dissuade Israel from helping to restore the peoples advantage. Fearing electoral reprisal from Fatah's rival Hamas (Gaza), the PA have not held elections for 16 years. Corruption and organized crime have become rife as the leadership struggle continues in the streets. With the impending death of PA leader Mahmoud Abbas, change may usher in new hope that prosperity can be restored, but the chances are slim. 

Israel is the primary enabler of these authoritarian leaders who rule over people trapped by PA corruption, fear and the raw struggle for gang power. Israel must fill the void by formulating and offering the more prosperous alternative, one that will free people under the PA and weaken the grip of Fatah. Israel's direction and objective must support autonomous, elected city councils, provide umbrella economic oversight, policy coordination, administrative agreement, security coordination, infrastructure support, alien privilege, residency and ultimately full Israeli citizenship, for those who qualify and want it. In process and during progress toward these objectives, the walls and separation fences must come down. 

Prosperity for residents under the PA is their superior and primarily, desired objective. This sentiment will not be shared by terrorists and criminals who instill fear through which they silence opposition to command unchallenged media attention. However, Israel's surprise, genuine offer to integrate residents under the PA will no doubt throw the underworld into disarray. This is the right offer, and argument, because prosperity of all people is the only universal argument, after all everyone wants a 'box of chocolates'. 

And, if you're wondering how Israel will deal with such a proposition, I suggest you read this... 





Sunday, April 30, 2023

A Judicial Reform Rethink.

Tel Aviv

75 years is but a fleeting moment for indigenous Israel. The complex nation was formally established more than 3300 years ago and its rituals emanate from ancestors a thousand years before that. Following the Holocaust, over the past 75 years, the instinct for survival inspired some communities to adopt extreme practices like religious isolation or secular assimilation. These emotive responses will dissipate to shape a future that is more true to its origin. Trust between those living at the extremes must be restored in order that the democratically elected representatives obtain the confidence of their electorates to govern authoritatively.

Israel is being besieged by an impassioned people intent on determining their destiny. The political crisis of 2018-2022 felled 5 successive coalition governments each time their ill-fated legislative bills exposed a lack of confidence. Finally the 2022/23 Netanyahu government obtained a sufficient majority to confidently pass legislation. The crisis marked a demographic tipping point, a shift to a more religious, conservative constituency that finally produced the robust majority. It also reflects on Israel's more liberal, less religious constituents who face very uncertain futures.

Hopeless liberals must reconsider their approach and support political personalities that adopt new strategies to win their favor, including from religious liberals. Many liberal bastions in foreign countries have been forced to make similar transitions to the center. However, in Israel the new strength of religious constituents is a dimension that has caused liberal leaders, who are less religious, to panic. How will they win votes from the liberal leaning, less religious constituents to marginalize conservative thinking, orthodox traditionalists? 

Israel is wonderful and miraculous, even the less religious would admit to it. Transforming the nation into a cohesive peace-time unit where people can retain strong, independent views and efficiently function side-by-side is the goal of any democratic society. How Israel will make this transformation could be its' biggest miracle of all!

Israel inherited the abandoned British government framework, it was flawed and immature compared to major democracies. Indigenous to Israel is a long forgotten framework that, more than ever, its' liberal constituents will be inspired to acknowledge and adopt to restore hope and resolve their present political impasse. The State comprises a majority traditional and religious people, but separation of 'Church' and State conflicts with its legislated, religious, orthodox implementation of Biblical-Rabbinic law that exposes societal division. American Reform and Liberal (or US Conservative) Jewish communities have also joined the political struggle for a less-religious Israeli state. 

Presently the Electoral College for Rabbinical representations of each Israeli city is an indigenously inspired institution that was bolted on after the formation of the State of Israel. Inherent in its mix of liberal (minded) and conservative Rabbis, of communities, is their potential and desire to earn more authority, from both political sides of the Jewish constituency. Such a representative achievement, through a single religious institution, would enable these representative Rabbis to gain community-wide authority such that adoption or modification of ancient Talmudic interpretations in Jewish and national law may better unite Jewish society in Israel. 

A modern, national extra-judicial body may be favored to represent societal views, establish customs and interpret or approve new laws that bring its indigenous nation up to date and keep it there. Liberal minded politicians and communities will be inspired and find it necessary to embrace indigenous Israel to advance this authority into the political realm. Through liberal leaning religious leadership they would reach new constituents and obtain political clarity that aligns with Israel's ancient system for a common identity. 

With support of liberal and conservative constituents, Mayors of Israel's cities, the Electoral College for City Rabbis and Religious Minster will become motivated and directed to advance these new representatives into the framework for government, perhaps the equivalent of a senate or upper house. 

Historically a similar authority was vested in a Sanhedrin, but for a political body to achieve the extra-judicial authority of Sanhedrin it would require respect and regard of Jews worldwide. The most religious, Hareidim prefer the status quo, rarely do Hareidi Rabbis compete for electoral representation to Israel’s city’s. However, they do participate in general elections and hold numerous powerful seats in the government. Once the institution of City Rabbis progresses from its present benign character to a more substantive arm of government, no doubt the Hareidim will compete for proportional representation. 

If I leaned left and less religious I would embrace the struggle to liberalize orthodoxy, if I leaned right and more religious I would struggle for religious authority. The Electoral College for City Rabbis is the best venue to politically define a modern, balanced religious authority that would be acceptable to world Jewry, through which religious and secular laws of Israel can ultimately converge so that the Sovereignty of Jewish Israel can be guaranteed and all people represented and governed under one body of law for all.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Can Liberal Rabbi's Return Israel's Left?

American Rabbi's that have impacted Israel

Israel is being besieged by an impassioned people intent on determining their destiny. The political crisis of 2018-2022 felled 5 successive coalition governments each time their ill-fated legislative bills exposed a lack of confidence. Finally the 2022/23 Netanyahu government obtained a sufficient majority to confidently pass legislation. From the void, their latest slew of politically and legislatively inspired judicial reforms have triggered a massive uproar from the opposition. 

The 2018-2022 crisis was the demographic tipping point of Israel's shift to a more religious, conservative constituency that finally produced a robust majority. On the other hand it reflects a dire future for Israel's less religious, liberal constituents, particularly the powerful, more radical, liberal political opponents who face very uncertain futures.

Hopeless liberals, including those from the center must reconsider their approach and support political personalities that adopt new strategies to win their favor, including from religious liberals. Many liberal bastions in foreign countries have been forced to make similar transitions to the center. However, in Israel the new rise of religious constituents is a dimension that has caused liberal leaders, who are generally less religious, to panic. How will they win votes from the liberal leaning, less religious constituents to marginalize conservatives, orthodox traditionalists? 

Israel is wonderful and miraculous place, even the less religious would admit to it. Transforming the nation into a single unit where people can retain strong, independent views and efficiently function side-by-side is the goal of any democratic society. How Israel will make this transformation could be its' biggest miracle of all!

Israel is a State comprising a majority traditional and religious people. It inherited an abandoned, British designed, government framework that is flawed and relatively immature compared to major democracies. Indigenous to Israel is a long forgotten framework that, more than ever, its' liberal constituents will adopt to resolve their present political impasse and restore hope. Separation of Church and State conflicts with Israel’s legislated, orthodox implementation of Biblical-Rabbinic laws and exposes societal division. American Reform and Liberal (or US Conservative) Jewish communities have also joined the struggle for a less-religious Israeli state. 

The Electoral College for Rabbinical representation, of each Israeli city, is an indigenously inspired institution that was bolted on after the formation of the State of Israel. Inherent in its mix of liberal (minded) and conservative Rabbis, of state-wide communities, is their potential and desire to earn and obtain more authority, from both political sides of Jewish constituencies. Such a representative achievement, through a single body, will enable these Rabbis to gain sufficient authority to modify ancient Talmudic interpretations of Biblical laws that many blame for dividing rather than uniting Jewish society in Israel. 

Judaism's ancient path points to a judicial body that represents societal views, establishes customs and interprets or passes new laws that bring its indigenous nation up to date and keep it there. Politicians and communities will find it necessary to embrace indigenous Israel from within and to modernize and advance this legal authority. Liberal leaning religious leaders will reach new constituents and obtain political clarity that aligns Israel's ancient system for a common identity. 

With support of liberal and conservative constituents, the Electoral College for City Rabbis will be motivated and directed to advance their representatives into the framework for government, perhaps as the equivalent of a senate or upper house. Historically a similar authority was vested in a Sanhedrin, but for a political body to achieve the judicial authority of Sanhedrin it would require respect and regard of Jews worldwide. The most religious, Hareidim prefer the status quo, rarely do Hareidi Rabbis compete for electoral representation to Israel’s city’s. However, they do participate in general elections and hold numerous powerful seats in the government. Once the institution of City Rabbis progresses from its present benign character to a more substantive arm of government, no doubt the Hareidim will compete for proportional representation. 

If I leaned left and less religious I would embrace the struggle to liberalize orthodoxy, if I leaned right and more religious I would struggle for religious authority. The Electoral College for City Rabbis, as modified to include women Rabbis is the best venue to politically define a balanced religious authority. World Jewry would embrace the concept, through which religious and secular laws of Israel will ultimately converge so that the Sovereign Jewish Israel can be governed under one body of law for all.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Government Reform Must Break the Status Quo!

In memory of Asher and Yaakov

Conversing with Israeli's about a one or two state solution can be a minefield. Those who want democracy-for-all are conflicted by the nature of Israel's neighbors, autocrats leading parliaments committed to religious ideologies just like the Palestinian Authority. For the past 16 years the major democracies have granted this Authority a no-election free-pass because its leader, Mahmoud Abbas, risks losing power to even more radical ideologists. 

Israel's' democracy-idealists are further conflicted by the fear they may be uprooted from their beloved homeland by a non-Jewish majority in a hypothetical single democratic state. Their concern is presently reflected in the behavior of the Palestinian Authority who will not tolerate Jewish representation in its government.

With no sign of peace the 40 year status quo is untenable and people on both sides continue to loose life in the tit-for-tat war against terror. Israel's romance with a democratic ideal may become intolerable and increasingly to blame for the ongoing loss of life. One must ask whether Israel's democratic idealists have come to accept loss of Jewish life as collateral in much the same way Muslim terrorists embrace their martyrs? 

The modern view of Israel's Jewish historical democracy is nearly always flawed, ignorant of the facts. Its ancient Jewish democracy was always governed by religious elders that comprised the main body of its legal and enforcement authority. Transfer of authority was autocratic through Semicha, or 'Standing' granted by incumbents to new authoritarians. One of today's arguments for judicial reform, by Israel's present government, is that its Justices have embraced authoritarianism, under a democracy that no longer resembles the indigenous framework that once tolerated it. 

Crosslinking risk to homeland, ongoing terror and the democratic ideal uphold the status quo. Like the well known business triangle, you can get something 'cheap' and 'good', but not 'quick', any two, but three cannot be logically connected. As a result Israeli's are begin to conclude that no-risk to homeland and peace is preferable to the foreign democratic ideal. Social and political change is resulting from Israel's seismic demographic shift. Innovative forms of government will ultimately enable Jewish sovereignty over its homeland and security for people in a government framework that moves the status quo toward a better outcome for all.

Israel's Electoral College presently oversees the periodic election of senior Rabbinical leaders from its hundreds of liberal and conservative communities in cities nationwide. With constituent support it can demand and deliver an elected upper house to Israel's Knesset that will yield two important requirements: 1. Ensure Jewish sovereignty in its system of government and 2. Permit the modernization of some of the nations ancient religious laws. In such a case representatives from any ethnic background may be elected to the lower Knesset, but only Rabbinical leaders may be elected to the upper Knesset where they would authorize bills exclusively introduced and drafted by the lower Knesset. 

The novel combination of this hybrid-authoritarian democracy would enable Israel to offer its aliens permanent residency and after qualifying, ultimately citizenship. This would embrace the majority of people trapped by the corrupted autocrats occupying Israel's land from the Shomron to Gaza under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Israel would finally be freed from its two-state quagmire and from the double standards of foreign governments and idealists that hold it to account. 



Thursday, January 19, 2023

Israel's Trajectory To Theocratic Democracy

The first working session of Israel's 37th government took place on the 1st of January 2023, international new years day. A significant challenge of its term will be fending off foreign pressure, including the UN and the International Court that will no doubt attempt to find and declare Israel guilty of various crimes. However, these opinions are less important than Israel's domestic conflict between its religious and secular authorities. The recent decision by its Supreme Court against Aryeh Deri, Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Shas Party has exposed this conflict and will polarize the nation to carefully consider its judicial future. 

The response from Deri's party; "...Shas is studying this painful decision and will decide on its next steps in accordance with the guidance of the Council of Torah Sages." Previously Shas said that Prime Minister would decide what to do with Deri, after that the Council of Torah Sages would decide what they will do. The rhetoric is loud as the opposition and executives of Israel diaspora NGO's object to the forthcoming draft legislation that will finally, decidedly enable the elected government to legislate around the Supreme Court.

The last Pew poll to consider how democracy relates to Israel's religious secular divide, exposed a 2016 problem, which today is acutely reflected in the strong religious representation of the 2023 government. The poll identified a nuanced view that has been exacerbated by the Deri decision, the policy of the government and its Justice Minister, Yariv Levin who intends to reduce the powers of the Supreme Court over the countries duly elected government. The opposition have conveniently characterized the moment as a democratic constitutional crises, but they have little control because the Israeli public already granted the coalition government the most significant mandate in recent memory. 

International pressure on this constitutional issue may be muted, but nations will rise against Israel's increasingly religious society who will be motivated to deliver a unified domestic response to any foreign anti-Israel sentiment. The poll suggests a rising desire from religious and secular communities to elevate their elected liberal and conservative Rabbis, of Israel's synagogues, to the political arena to declare and stamp Israel's unique brand of justice and sovereignty into its system of government. The Deri decision opened the window for these duly elected Rabbis to extend their constitutional voice to promote their ascension to an upper house and transform Israel's present unicameral Knesset. 

In a final blow to the decaying British structure, Israel's government and democracy is on track to return its indigenous way of government: A bicameral Knesset with its upper house of elected Torah Sages, Rabbis, a 'Sanhedrin' with the constitutional authority to approve secular and religious law, to forge one body of law for the entire nation and prepare to realize its destiny as a sovereign, theocratic democracy. 


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A Donkey Speaks!


The identical phrase "with drawn sword in his hand" “וְחַרְבּ֤וֹ שְׁלוּפָה֙ בְּיָד֔וֹ” is used on three occasions in the 24 books of Torah. How this relates each occurrence is unknown, but several hints in the adjacent texts color each instance. The common theme relates an angel that was dispatched to draw its sword in response to each event. 

In Numbers 22:21 the verb used (וַתֵּ֤ט), veered Bilam's donkey off its path. In Joshua 5:13 the verb used ( וַיֵּ֨לֶךְ), inspired Joshua to approach the angel. In 1 Chronicles 21:16 the verb used (נְטוּיָ֖ה - source in Bilam's verb) directed the angel against Jerusalem, a potentially devastating outcome for residents of the ancient city. 

In context; Bilam was commanded not to curse the Jewish people, but to speak only words placed in his mouth. The angel first spoke through the donkey to its owner Bilam before it addressed him directly. Joshua's angelic encounter carried instruction to destroy the walled city of Jericho. But, David fell into a state of repentance, never interacted directly with the angel and received its instruction to build an altar through the prophet Gad.

Bilam, the greatest shaman was hired to curse, but was redirected to bless Israel and hoped his fate would be like theirs; Joshua, the first to lead the Jewish people into their land was inspired to destroy Jericho, which would only be rebuilt after the final messianic revelation; David, Israel's king was directed, through the prophet to build an altar that tradition suggests became the site of their future temple. 

The verb directing Bilam's and David's encounter, compared to Joshua suggests something is to be learned from the differential grammar in context of each use. This brings us to the mission of each angel; Bilam's angel appeared to the donkey, Joshua's exhibited holy affinity, David's elicited fear. 

Its troubling that Bilam and David's encounters are associated, let alone that both result in building and offering personal sacrifice on altars. Despite Bilam's commitment not to curse Israel, he built seven altars to misdirect and justify his mercenary pursuit. David was instructed to build and sacrifice on one altar to effect his atonement. But, he misdirected his altar to engage the fractured tribes, who were fearful of plague to regain their endorsement. Neither Bilam or David's instance rose to the qualitative distinction of the verb or context used for Joshua.

Commentators accept David's quick action because it temporarily unified the nation and his son constructed the first permanent temple. But one generation later, mercenary pursuit by his treasurer, son and grandson shattered the nations fragile unity. As a result the tribes of Israel, that Bilam was tempted to curse would not be fully reunified until Jericho will be rebuilt. 





Thursday, August 20, 2020

Good god it was gad!

The annals of ancient civilizations demonstrate the influential power of stellar patterns used to predict good fortune and events that challenged early creation logic. Against ethereal alternatives the constellation logic of occultists, soothsayers and stargazers prevailed. Perhaps the seemingly abstract, often ambiguous and sometime falsified prophetic voice was not as consistent as the suns rising. Strong evidence of astrological cultures are found in archaeology of Mesopotamia and many other regions including in tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs that often tell of a soul journey to the stars and some that become stars. 

According to monotheism the Knower is the Knowledge and the Known, which contradicts that any intermediary, object or living god-figure could ever claim an independent role. Ancient civilizations that credited deities with independence defended the existence of pluralism. These conflicts underpinned the clash of cultures in the fertile crescent from modern Turkey through Egypt. 

Long memory is best preserved in ancient teachings and living, intact cultures that claim a communal continuum. The best long memories are maintained by cultures that posses a rich archaeology, history and anthropological synchronization in laws and customs still evident in the modern continuum.  

The oldest and most intact continuum with a written history, rich archaeology and anthropological synchronicity are the Israelite Hebrews diversely known as Jews. Descendants of Biblical Jacob, also known as Israel they prove a 3500 year continuum. At least this is validated through the paternal lineage of priests who descend from Jacob's son Levi and from whom today's high priestly sect continue to ascend. The continuum by this Levite sect is evident in general communal acceptance and validated in orthodox synagogue practices of modern Jewish people.

The Biblical and archaeological record illustrate the impact of these conflicting ideologies on the unity of the Jewish people. After King David conquered ancient Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, 2900 years ago he proceeded to unify Israel's disparate tribes and locate the altar around which a permanent temple could then be built. By law and intact tradition of its communal continuum the permanent altar had to be built where, 800 years earlier Jacob's father Isaac was bound by his father Abraham and offered as a sacrifice. As much as he tried, David could not locate it.

Then, a series of personal errors and political challenges challenged David's leadership and coincided with a nationwide pandemic. It caused him to repent following a vision of the angel of death standing a top Mount Moriah poised to destroy Jerusalem. Gad, his lower prophet advised David to build a personal altar on land at the foot of his angel of death vision and offer sacrifice to stay the pandemic. He appealed to Israel's tribal leaders to participate. They jointly purchased the 'angel of death' land from the local Jebusite king, then David built his altar and offered sacrifices.

The established written records of the Jewish continuum, that permit the above reconstruction describe a default communal shift that resolved continuum law and established the location where David's son Solomon built the altar and temple. There are no references tat confirm whether the default location agreed by the tribes also agreed with the continuum law that the altar be at the same site Isaac was bound. One generation after King Solomon, his son could not retain Israel's national unity, the nation split, the continuum was permanently altered and the majority turned to an alternative temple and worship.

The word gad in the written Biblical record occurs 67 times. 54 times refer to Jacob's son Gad, his tribe or their tribal land. It means 'good fortune' that originates from his naming at birth. On 13 other instances it relates to Gad the seer or lower prophet of King David. Only once the term was used to identify a god for good fortune and berate those who made 'good fortune' their independent god. 

Monday, June 3, 2019

Democratic Israel - Secular or Sovereign Theocracy?

Israel Defense Force
Ultra-orthodox recruits

Since 1949 students attending Yeshiva have been exempt from national service and their learning institutions have been eligible for government funded benefits. In 2017 Israel's Supreme Court ruled that a new Draft Law would be required to change the 70 year-old practices of non-Zionist, ultra-orthodox, religious communities by ensuring their greater participation in national service. As Defense Minister Lieberman negotiated with representatives of these communities, but failed to reach an agreement over the inclusion of quota's and penalties for non-adherence. The Rabbinical leaders took umbrage that Lieberman wanted to legislate to ensure their good faith. When Lieberman discovered his Prime Minister supported the Rabbi's, he resigned from office and removed his political party from the coalition sending the country to new elections.

Perhaps the only mandate of last April 9, pre-Passover election was whether Bibi should be indicted while sitting as Prime minister, many more important questions failed to capture the electorate. On April 10 it seemed Bibi would be back with a majority, the initiated knew it would be tough to negotiate and Lieberman would be toughest of all, but very few doubted the formation of a government.

Most Israeli's, including Liberman and Netanyahu have family members that are religious so they may be sympathetic to some national religious laws and practices that impact their secular lives, but for others tolerance is scarce. For Lieberman the secular Jewish State is sacrosanct! Despite low participation the non-Zionist, ultra-orthodox sector has and continues to attract foreign philanthropy that provides a significant boost to Israel's economy. This election must decide whether the secular distrust of these religious leaders, that underscores Lieberman's Draft Law is a legislative necessity. It must also determine Israel's commitment to the US sponsored push for peace and the permanency of a divided Jerusalem.

Jared Kushner's recent, trip to North Africa. the Middle East and Israel crashed into Liberman's iceberg - in the desert. The much anticipated push for Trump's Deal of The Century, was slowed to a crawl first awaiting whether or not Israel will uphold the opinion of their religious leaders. If affirmative, Israel will begin its progressive transformation from a secular-democracy to democratic-theocracy. The religious-center and right wing will be strengthened. Secular voters will be split and the extreme-left will join Liberman in opposition. What that means for peace and the division of Jerusalem is unknown, but support for these issues have never been dependent on Israel's electorate, but its enemies Fatah and Hamas.

In the upcoming pre-Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) election, Lieberman's red-line will polarize religious and secular communities. Last April 10 Israel learned its previous election fate, on September 18 it will learn its next decision - both days have interesting history. 5 Nissan/10April, was the day Moses dispatched spies to report about Israel's future land, but their divided opinions caused pandemonium and split the nation. 18 Elul/18 September is strongly associated with the modern movement of orthodox Hasidim:- It's the day the Ba'al Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe were born and the Maharal of Prague died, all are connected with the Chabad phenomena and worldwide post-war return to Judaism.

I am looking forward to Israel increasing its Torah aware elected representation, which will of course be opposed by secularists. However I believe the nation is returning to its indigenous root and will eventually establish an elected Rabbinical House of Lords that will appoint a King who will build the Temple in Jerusalem!