
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Israel 's Point Of No Return!

...then it was Jerusalem Day. Yeshiva students bussed in, kids gathered in parks, families, tourists, flags and song. Walking, as they have done in previous years, Minister of Internal Security Itamar Ben Gvir and Deputy Mayor Arieh King. If this were a political rally, fake news would have claimed 100,000+ attended, but it was not. Around 40,000 came to express gratitude, celebrating the miracle of Israel's rapid victory in June 1967 that reunited Jerusalem with its Jewish people. 

In stark contrast some 60,000 people are displaced from their homes, living in temporary accommodations without knowing when they will return. Others are anxious presently living in a state of despair that their lives will be impacted by future religious governments not aligned with their lifestyle. 

Since Simchat Torah, October 7, public opinion about military and political leadership has moved from from disdain to despair. Confidence was shattered as it became abundantly clear that Israel's attempt, over the past 20 years, to thwart foreign and local enemies has failed. Israel's divisive political crisis, over Judicial Reform, has been subdued by its existential and leadership crisis as the nation was thrust  into a complex war including in the broader Jewish world. 

In business meetings, on the train, bus, or in daily traffic, running errands, transporting kids, exercise or gainful enjoyment feels like oblivion, knowing that soldiers are sacrificing their lives to benefit the nation. Feeling useless and the inevitable bad news brings on a certain guilt, but Israeli's are stoic, they confront facts, grieve loss, do more and march on relentless. 

Meanwhile, Israel's activist political organizations are shifting emphasis from hostages to anti-government rhetoric, years in advance of the next scheduled election. Their hope; to lure offshore state actors and Jews into their desired political realm. To that end Anti-government protest organizations like Hofshi Israel, for Benny Gantz Blue and White party, estimated more than 150,000 people attended their June 22 rally, calling it the biggest since the Gaza war began. Although Israelis treat these impossible numbers with disdain, Iranian and Arab opposition media promote them to a naive, sheepish world to develop the perception of a fractured Israel.

The demographic tipping point toward more religious representation in Israel's security, military and government has already occurred. It is a statistical point from which there is no return yet some would prefer to control their destiny. To that Prime Minister Netanyahu recently stated Israel is a “country with an army, not an army with a country” which was followed by a decision to ban Ehud Barak from giving his annual address to senior officers of Israel's Defense Force. This, combined with Benny Gantz departure from the War Cabinet indicates the political war is warming up.

Before the tragic events of October 2023, opposition to reform was concentrated, intense and momentous. Since that time many less controversial reforms have progressed into law. This long existential war, the passage of time and weaponization of the country's first National Guard, under the one-time expenditure and direction of Internal Security Minister Ben Gvir, has permanently reversed the real risk of a civil war. Now, the forthcoming USA elections will bear significantly on the challenge that lies ahead. One way or another, the majority of Israeli's have been reminded that they stand alone, responsible for themselves, their people, their nation and their land - from the river to the sea!