Jerusalem's' Gihon Spring emerges in an elevated cave approximately 4 meters above the Kidron Valley floor. Originally the cave would fill with gushing water, rising several meters until it reached the opening on the eastern side of the mountain.
Gihon Spring Cave - Looking East
Water flowed from the cave, falling to the east side of Mount Moriah, onto the lower valley floor, where it ran south-east along an eight kilometer downhill slope that dropped ~1000m to the Dead Sea.
Gihon Spring, Mount Moriah
Kidron River Route City of David, Jerusalem to Dead Sea
Archaeologists agree that during the Early to Middle Bronze Age a man-made opening, some 2 meters above the spring source was cut into the south-side bedrock, of the water filled cave, to redirect water through 'Channel I' and 'Channel II' until it exited onto agricultural terraces, on the east side along that route. (see map below)
Channel II also distributed water to Tunnel III and a deep-cut 'Round Chamber' that probably existed prior to the channel-tunnel constructions or was quarried around the same time. The 'Round Chamber' served as a well that dropped ~3m from the bedrock surface to access water provided, via Tunnel III, from the surface. For at least 1000 years water flowed through Tunnel III into the Round Chamber and further south, via Channel II exiting the east face through agricultural terraces to the valley floor bellow.
Prior to construction of the channel-tunnel system the Round Chamber may have existed as the shaft to an Early Bronze Age shaft-tomb into which Tunnel III was cut or was was constructed to improve access to the water. The steps, depicted on the map above (right or east of the Round Chamber) demonstrate that improved access to the water was their purpose. On completion, water would have been drawn from two primary points; 1) steps into the cave of the Gihon Spring; 2) steps to the Round Chamber well as well as points along the southern extension of Channel II, as water exited the bedrock further down the mountain.
During the Early-Middle Bronze Age the Rock-Cut-Rooms, adjacent to Area U (see map - west) served as a temple, the first organized worship on Mount Moriah. Archaeologists widely acknowledge the Rock-Cut-Rooms existed and were in use more than 3600 years ago. Eli Shukron, the archaeologist who made the discovery in 2009 attributes them to Biblical Malchi-Tzedek, the Righteous King who, according to the Bible practiced as the high priest at this location until he died around 3600 years ago.
Intriguingly most of the features of the Rock-Cut-Rooms resemble elements that were ultimately written into Biblical, Israelite and Jewish law some 300-500 years later. These laws governed and gave a design, based on ancient ritual, to the the portable Sanctuary built and used in the desert after the Israelites were exiled from Egypt.
Rock-Cut-Rooms, adjacent-east of Area U
A uniquely preserved feature of the Rock-Cut-Rooms is a standing stone, referenced in the Bible as a 'matzevah' that was later disallowed following the introduction of Biblical law (Deuteronomy16:21-22). Initially the Bible tells of a standing stone erected (Genesis 28:18) by the progenitor of the Israelite nation, Jacob. Most commentators attribute its location to Mount Moriah where ~200 years before Moses transcribed the Bible Jacob had returned (Genesis 35:14). Jacob had used the matzevah as an instrument of worship to declare his "House of God" covenant, but later the practice was specifically forbidden by the Bible law of Moses.
I am a proponent that the Rock-Cut-Rooms are the site Jacob erected his matzevah because chronological elements align facts with Jewish traditions and laws. Israel possesses no other archaeological sites that incorporate the qualifying features of the Rock-Cut-Room temple, according to well known Jewish temple law. These laws support the altars' raised platform, at the west of the room where priests would have faced west. In addition, the liquids channel (wine/water/blood), non-production oil press (single press only for purity) and bedrock-grain press. Further, in front of the altar platform there is a deep concave in the bedrock designed to insert a convex, rounded jug (as opposed to a self-standing jug) which was used to prevent sacrificial blood from congealing and ensure its purity.
Altar platform, liquids channel vessel holder
Bored through the bedrock edges, adjacent to the 'V' marked bedrock are a series of places to tie small animals, indicating use of primarily young animals for slaughter and sacrifice. Jewish law requires unblemished animals, which tend younger from at least 8 days old.
Bored low for small animal ties.
Finally the matzevah is the only erect object of the Rock-Cut-Rooms that has remarkably existed in-tact for 3500+ years.
Undoubtedly, thousands of sacrifices were offered over hundreds of years of worship at the temple of Rock-Cut-Rooms. Water was required to wash and process animals and their hides, as such water carriers would have transported it in vessels up the steep slope from the Round Chamber each day.
The Rock-Cut-Rooms had previously been buried, under natural fall from the slope, some 500 years before King David arrived to unite his tribal kingdom and live on Mount Moriah. The rooms had been buried sometime between 3600 and 2900 years ago, almost certainly King David did not know of their existence. Some 1000 years later, builders were the first to rediscover them, 2600 years ago, during the construction of defensive walls along the eastern slope. Archaeologists acknowledge that the fragile matzevah was purposely preserved, in soft sand, most likely by King Hezekiah's wall constructors before they completed the wall over the Rock-Cut-Rooms. In 2009 archaeologist Eli Shukron re-discovered it within the fill of Ancient Jerusalem's thick eastern wall in a well protected, 2600 year preserved state.
Matzevah, anointing pillar or standing stone
After the Five Books of the Bible (Old Testament) came the Book of Judges, the Books of Samuel, Books of Kings, Prophets and later books, but there is no mention or hint of the rock-cut Temple complex. One of the greatest Biblical commentators, Rabbi Moses Maimonides was once asked why the Bible did not mention Jerusalem; he wrote that Israel's enemies would have been emboldened to destroy it forever. Perhaps the rock-cut temple's burial was natural or an attempt to conceal its existence forever and Jerusalem's 2600 years old walls its' ultimate defense against its destruction. Either way, now that the rock-cut temple is in Israel's safe hands we must ask whether the matzevah is that on which Jacob accepted his nations name Israel (Genesis 35:10) and therefore declare it Israel's greatest and holiest archaeological treasure.