
Monday, September 29, 2014

Israeli Democracy - Look, who is to the P.M.'s left?

Bibi Netanyahu, Israel's P.M. reviews his left flank
The impractical segmentation of millions into two states or their inclusion on a single, statewide Israeli voter register is no doubt problematic. Despite global diplomacy, no leaders of Jews, Muslims or Christians can preach enough rhetoric to turn opinions of Israel's divergent population. Among Jewish representative leaders of Israel, liberalism and conservatism continues to direct competing and often conflicting policy. But, the millennial battle of extremes has a new contender for the crown and its fast approaching your democracy too.

Radicalism exploits everything often confusing constituents who don’t quite know how to respond. In the staunchest democracies voter sentiment is affected by national intelligence, propaganda that is selectively disclosed and it may come as a shock, but radical extremists do elicit sympathies from moderates. Radicals can and will penetrate democracy's' Achilles heel and win support for their cause. Regardless of their sordid morals, much of which is forgotten days or weeks after an initial often violent shock, radical ideals flourish on apparent social injustices compelling enough for liberals to support.

An ancient Talmudic law suggests, when established Israel’s principle sovereign body, the Great Sanhedrin, a court with 70 members and a President cannot declare a murderer guilty unless there is at least one dissenting member. In this court liberal dissent is a prerequisite, the antidote to a prevailing conservative radicalism. Unlike the courts presently convened by radical Islamist's to benefit their ideal the Jewish court is protected by the power of this radical antidote in the negative veto.

Radical Islamic militants exploit a general permission granted by Prophet Muhammad in Medina around 1400 years ago. He permitted a jihad to convert (generally wealthy) people to Islam as a justification for his poverty stricken followers stealing their possessions. Today this criminal behavior is justified by militants who believe these teachings transcend the moral and criminal laws of most countries. The idea behind a Great Sanhedrin is one radical Islamist's shun, because their Shiite vs Sunni insurgency relies on fractional justice to settle their messianic bloodline.The winning leader of this intra-Islamic purge is supposed to usurp any competing Judeo Christian Messiah. This is the beating religious heart of present day radicalism and will continue regardless, until such stage as the final outcome of this Biblical lineage is absolutely determined.
These very ancient, interconnected, middle eastern bloodlines are compelled to fulfill their inherent endgame and so it is for the Jews of Israel. The seemingly weird progression of events since September 11, 2001 and the Arab Spring have led to the present Islamic State rhetoric and action, what next? A democratic states' symbolism is an important contributor to the psyche of the nation, especially those that remain vulnerable to the influence of radical extremists. For Israel the complex machinations affecting liberal / conservative democratic bias is exacerbated by the unique dimension of the Jewish religion and Jews to realize their messianic quest.

A nations pomp and ceremony emerges from its history and culture. Since its re-established in 1948 Jewish Israels hurriedly adopted a structure that has not matured sufficiently to represent its Jewish character or ensure democratic Jewish sovereignty. For example, shifting some of Jerusalem's city boundaries by less than a few kilometers would ensure the election of an Arab Mayor or, incorporating all people west of the Jordan on the electoral role would reduce the Jewish majority to approximately 53%. Therefore, Israel’s continuing Jewish sovereignty is a question that causes its leaders to express delicate diplomacy's to win international acclaim and domestic popularity. Jewish sovereignty is not democratically guaranteed and it is far too precious an ideal to squander especially in light of the radical alternative.

We must ask hard questions about the future of Israel's national symbolism and its governing structure. Does it honestly embrace and signal its intention to ensure its Jewish ideal? For example, will Israel’s Chief Rabbi, or equivalent ever be seated to the Prime Ministers right at official state functions? Since Jewish sovereignty is a prerequisite at least this symbolism ought to be strengthened!  Placing the seat of Israel’s Chief Rabbi, presently held by a representative of the divided Sephardic and Ashkenazi communities (soon to be consolidated), to the right of the PM would honestly declare the Jewish Sovereign intent of Israel’s Jewish citizens. As this level of intellectual honesty is achieved radicalism will begin to face a new reality because Israel will finally be on the home stretch to its Jewish Sovereign guarantee of its free world democracy, then every citizen can vote in the permanent, single Jewish State of Israel.